Back to Basics: The Paleo/Primal Diet

Paleo/Primal is more than just a diet; it’s a holistic approach to health and wellness that draws inspiration from the eating habits and lifestyles of our Paleolithic ancestors. This guide dives deep into the principles of the paleo/primal way of life, offering insights into how to incorporate these ancient wisdoms into our modern lives for improved health, energy, and longevity.


Paleo/Primal Principles


At its core, the paleo/primal lifestyle advocates for a return to the foods that early humans thrived on before the advent of agriculture and processed foods. This includes a focus on whole foods such as meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds, and excludes grains, legumes, dairy products, and refined sugars. But it’s not just about diet; it’s also about adopting a lifestyle that encourages natural movement, adequate sleep, stress management, and outdoor activities.


What to Eat on Paleo/Primal?


Whole Foods Over Processed Foods


The foundation of the Paleo/Primal diet is the consumption of whole foods. This means choosing grass-fed meats, wild-caught fish, organic vegetables, and fruits while avoiding processed foods and sugars that are foreign to our body’s evolutionary design.


The Importance of Quality Fats


Unlike many modern diets that demonize fat, the Paleo/Primal approach embraces healthy fats as essential. Avocados, nuts, seeds, and coconut products are all staples, providing the body with necessary fats for brain health, energy, and satiety.


Eliminating Modern Culprits


The Paleo/Primal diet excludes grains, legumes, dairy, and refined sugars. The rationale is that these foods can be problematic for the digestive system, cause inflammation, and contribute to chronic health issues.


Primal Movement


The Role of Natural Movement


The paleo/primal lifestyle encourages incorporating natural movements that mimic those of our ancestors—think walking, running, jumping, climbing, and carrying. These activities promote functional fitness, rather than the isolated exercises often found in modern gyms.


Strength and Flexibility


Building strength through bodyweight exercises and improving flexibility through stretches and mobility work are key components. This approach not only builds a strong, capable body but also helps prevent injuries and enhances quality of life.


Prioritizing Sleep and Recovery


The Importance of Sleep


In the paleo/primal lifestyle, sleep is considered a foundational element of health. Prioritizing quality sleep mimics our ancestors’ natural rhythms and supports everything from hormonal balance to cognitive function.


Recovery and Stress Management


Paleo/Primal emphasizes active stress management techniques, such as meditation, spending time in nature, and engaging in hobbies that relax and rejuvenate the mind and body, since in modern life, the impact of stress can be detrimental to health and well-being.


Embracing Outdoor Activities


Sunlight and Vitamin D


Regular exposure to sunlight is essential for vitamin D synthesis, mood regulation, and overall health. The paleo/primal lifestyle encourages spending time outdoors to align with natural light cycles and support circadian rhythms.


Connection with Nature


Beyond physical health benefits, outdoor activities help foster a deeper connection with nature, promoting psychological well-being and a sense of belonging to the natural world.




Paleo/Primal is more than just a diet; it’s about embracing a holistic approach to life that honors the wisdom of our ancestors. By focusing on whole foods, natural movement, adequate sleep, stress management, and outdoor activities, we can support our body’s natural processes, improve our health, and enhance our overall quality of life. The paleo/primal path is a journey back to basics, offering a blueprint for living in harmony with our evolutionary heritage.